Gordon sings a couple of sets of music selected especially for his beautiful wife during their 30th Anniversary Party.
Gordon marches in the 4th of July parade with The Village Players, in the costume he wore when he was part of the barbershop quartet in "The Music Man" last fall.
Danny enjoys a few moments with his friend Adele in the bar pit at the resort where Danny had been serving ice cream during the party.
Our niece Katherine and her husband-to-be Mike with Karen at our 30th Anniversary Party.
Karen and Thomas get photobombed by Katherine's fiance Mike at Karen and Gordon's 30th Anniversary Party.
Danny helps shell some lobsters generously provided (and already cooked!) by one of Gordon's customers.
We shared our site with a another member of our group who could only stay the second night. We were amazed when we arrived to see how much her trailer looks like ours!
Karen takes pictures inside a gypsy wagon built onto the bed of a truck.
Even the bandstand for this jazz ensemble was a tiny house made especially for travelling bands.
Karen enjoys a lecture at the Vermont Tiny House Festival in Brattleboro.
When we stopped for coffee on the way to the tiny house even, Gordon grabbed this lovely picture of the moon.
Karen loved this logo for Woo Hoo burger and ice cream stand, near our campsite in Wilmington, Vermont.
Karen prepares a meal of chicken, potatoes, carrots, onions, and zucchini for cooking in our new Road Pro 12V cooker. The results were delicious!
Thomas doing a little shopping at a jewelry store. Hmm.
Danny studies for a Physical Science final, using his phone for research.
Karen meets a mermaid in the pool. The young girl had a mermaid costume with a working flipper tail.
William out for a little afterschool driving practice, in his own car this time.
Danny's perfect Spring afternoon: sunshine, a good book, and a cup of iced coffee.
Karen posing with a Volkswagen Thing, which brought back some 70s memories. She also bought one of those gorgeous blankets.
Danny exploring an old steam shovel at the Vintage Fair. It reminded Karen of the character Mary Ann from "Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel."
Danny found this vintage Caterpillar tractor at the Vintage Fair.
Danny at a Vintage Fair he went to with Karen in Dublin, New Hampshire.
Karen and Gordon in front of the community art mural in the basement of the Currier Art Museum in Manchester.
William and his friend Paulo serve the last buffet of the season at the restaurant run by the school's Culinary Arts program.
Daniel chugs the last of a half gallon of chocolate milk that he and Karen bought as a special treat to share between Danny and Gordon. No one else in the house is a fan.
Karen tries a dessert we made at home. The only ingredients are frozen bananas, frozen strawberries, and a touch of vanilla. Topped with whipped cream, of course.
Karen and Danny play around in the pool at the Windrifter. Not quite the season for swimming in the lake yet.
Karen tests the clam chowder she and Gordon made for a camp potluck. Karen rigged the cooking gear so that we can cook from the back of the car.
Gordon stirs some camp clam chowder that he and Karen made with their portable camp-cooking setup in the back of the Forester.
Karen and Gordon take a selfie in the rain at Salisbury State Beach.
Karen takes on walk on the beach in Salisbury Massachusetts on a chilly and rainy May day.
Thomas sitting in front of his computer screens. It's a little hard to tell in this picture, but Erin and Tammy (Tom and Erin's roommate) colored his hair dark purple recently.
William William examining a slight defect in the paint of his car. That's right, his car, bought with his money, ready to take him to work when he gets his licene.
William getting in some practice driving so that he can get his license. So far, pretty good.
Danny tried a burger joint they called 5 Guys after Danny had spent the day with Thomas. Danny liked it, but Karen, spoiled by Fuddrucker's and Johnny Rockets, was unimpressed.
Karen at the mitre saw making window trim for a Habitat For Humanity build that Lowes let their employees volunteer for on company time.
Erin and Karen enjoy a rare chance to talk over dinner. Tom and Erin have moved a bit farther away, so we don't see them quite as often.
Gordon laughs at something Erin said while out to dinner with the family.
Thomas enjoys a rare night at dinner with Erin, Gordon, and Karen.
William serves at the dining room run by the culinary program at the school.
Karen gives a little attention to the sleeping cat.
Daniel does some yard work for our neighbor.
Sukkie could hardly wait for Karen to wash the campfire smell out of her hair before saying hi (and getting warm).
Karen getting out of the Forester, showing what we can home to: an unexpected bit of ice and snow. We were a little nervous about getting home with the trailer, but it was not bad after all.